Which foundation for mature skin to choose?

Which foundation for mature skin to choose?

Foundation The skin evolves with age until it reaches maturity. And there are signs that are unmistakable: sagging skin or even a lack of suppleness and hydration. It is therefore necessary to adapt facial care and foundation to the specific expectations of this skin type. Here are our tips for successfully applying complexion makeup and … Read more

Harvey Ross Review: Scam, Side Effects & Price (Pharmacy, Amazon)

Harvey Ross Review: Scam, Side Effects & Price (Pharmacy, Amazon)

Harvey Ross Review: Scam, Side Effects & Price (Pharmacy, Amazon)-The signature of time on the face over the years is inevitable, of course, but it sometimes manifests itself aggressively. Already, from the age of 25, collagen begins to diminish in the body. This causes sagging of the skin on the face. Harvey Ross aims to be … Read more